welcome for your visiting.
If you are new comers,you may find that there are different item NOs. for the same product on our web.
They just start with different letters,such as HKSP173,USSP173 and SP173.
This is the location of our warehosue,means shipping from HONGKONG, US and SHENZHEN.
If you want to search some item,and put the item NO. to the search place but don't find it,you can try aonther two item NOs.
The other things we have to tell is that you may find an order shipped from SHENZHEN is a little bit more expensive than shipping from the other places.
That is because it will take us more for shipping from SHENZHEN, both in human resource and cost.
But this price is definitely at a average level according the market,please rest assured.
And that also means our items shipped from HK or US is cheaper than a normal market.
Moreover,all our items are free shipping.
Here,we just write this information for your reference.
Hope you have a nice shopping experience on our web.
If you have any question,please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much.